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电    话: 0431-85262225                                                     

2006. 09 - 2010. 06   北京航空航天大学   本科
2010. 09 - 2016. 05  中国科学院长春应用化学研究所   博 士 
2017. 03 - 2021. 03   加拿大滑铁卢大学化学工程系   博士后 
2021. 04 – 至      今   中国科学院长春应用化学研究所  研究员(BR-B) 

1. 3d-Orbital Occupancy Regulated Ir-Co Atomic Pair Toward Superior Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis.
ACS Catalysis 2021, 11, 8837−8846 (IF=13.08)
2. Regulated coordination environment of Ni single atom catalyst toward high-efficiency oxygen electrocatalysis for rechargeable Zinc-air batteries.
Energy Storage Materials 2021. 35: 723-730. (IF=17.79)
3. Preferentially Engineering FeN4 Edge Sites onto Graphitic Nanosheets for Highly Active and Durable Oxygen Electrocatalysis in Rechargeable Zn–Air Batteries. 
Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 2004900. (IF=30.85)
4. A Triphasic Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalyst with Tunable and Synergetic Interfacial Structure for Rechargeable Zn‐Air Batteries.
Advanced Energy Materials 2020, 10, 1903003. (IF=29.37)
5. A single‐atom iridium heterogeneous catalyst in oxygen reduction reaction.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2019, 131: 9742 – 9747. (IF=15.33)
6. Climbing the apex of the ORR volcano plot via binuclear site construction: electronic and geometric engineering. 
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141: 17763–17770. (IF=15.42)
7. Tensile-strained ruthenium phosphide by anion substitution for highly active and durable hydrogen evolution.
Nano Energy 2020, 77: 105212. (IF=17.88)
8. Highly polarized carbon nano-architecture as robust metal-free catalyst for oxygen reduction in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. 
Nano Energy 2018, 49: 23-30. (IF=17.88)
9. Metal–organic framework-induced synthesis of ultrasmall encased NiFe nanoparticles coupling with graphene as an efficient oxygen electrode for a rechargeable Zn–air battery. 
ACS Catalysis. 2016, 6: 6335-6342. (IF=13.08)
10. Strongly coupled Pt nanotubes/N-doped graphene as highly active and durable electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction. 
Nano Energy 2015, 13: 318-326. (IF=17.88)